FIAMO ( ITALIAN FEDERATION of HOMEOPATHIC ASSOCIATIONS and PHYSICIANS) offers a free online course about “ The Systemic Thinking and the approach to human and animal health”.
“ This course stems from the intention of FIAMO to spread the Systemic Thinking approach applied to the medical field . In fact all the speakers have delved deeply into Systemic Thinking attending the lectures offered by Fritjof Capra trough his System View of Life course ( and FIAMO has taken this opportunity collecting and sharing their experiences.
The online course is split into 6 videos and freely available on our YouTube channel. To watch them in your language, click on each video and enable the subtitles through settings.

Furthermore, both the speakers dr. Ronchi and dr. Faggin e attending the ECH ( European Committee for Homeopathy) SLV Lab (System View of life Lab) ( ): a working group aimed to consolidate and develop the concepts of systemic thinking applied in the field of homeopathic medicine.
The Systemic Thinking leads to a holistic vision of life and presents itself as an approach for solving complex problems in different fields: economic, social, medical, environmental etc.
In medicine, it can be the tool to deeply understand and assist living organisms , such as people, animals and plants, that live, temporarily or chronically, in a unhealthy condition or in a unbalanced state .
The time is ripe to go back to an approach where the patient is seen in his complexity, not only as a physiological complexity, which is well known among all conventional and non-conventional approaches, but considered in its unique identity of body, thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Systemic thinking, as developed by many authors among which Fritjiof Capra, can offer the physician an additional skill for understanding the mechanisms that lead a living system to illness and healing.
Approaching a patient through systemic thinking is not merely remembering that the organism works in unison and that all organs and their functions are connected, but it’s also about understanding rules that underline both the unhealthy and healthy conditions, as well as the healing process.
Since his origin, the homeopathic approach has been taking care of the patient with a systemic view, that was innovative in its early days and definitely current nowadays.
Speakers and topics:
Dr. Sara Faggin, veterinary doctor, introduces the systemic thinking history, from its beginning to its modern development and its basic principles applied to living organisms.
Dr. Antonella Ronchi, medical doctor, delivers many examples about the incredible similarity between the homeopathic method, as formulated by Samuel Hahnemann, and the modern systemic thought applied to the biological and medical fields.
Dr. Regina Monteiro, medical doctor and researcher, presents her working group’s researches about the complexity of oncological conditions and the application of the systemic thinking approach for understanding and supporting oncological patients .
Note : Fritjof Capra’s papers and scientific researches form the basis we referred to develop the connection between homeopathic medicine and the systemic approach to the health of humans and living organisms.